Can you imagine that you are fighting the great minimum wage Ireland recession by reducing the minimum wage? Sounds unlikely , not to say absurd , very scenario fell on unions and workers in Ireland when the world economy collapsed five years ago . And plans similar austerity affected the nation of four million people since.
This is what unions and Irish workers who are currently at risk , and the effort to overcome , such as the Irish Labor Party is the minimum wage Ireland minority partner in a new coalition government , said a senior executive of the Irish union. And Irish unions also need to continue working on his promises , he adds. Sailplane Kina , Assistant General Secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions , describes the history and landscapes in an interview with Press Associates Union News Service minimum wage Ireland during the recent convention of the FALL -CIO in Los Angels. As number two in the Irish federation, Kina , one of 120 foreign trade unionists attended the conclave of the FALL -CIO has a seat at the top of Irish unions battle to take workers from falling .
These efforts are hostage to austerity across the 27 countries of the European Union has imposed on the Republic of Ireland ( and Greece and Spain ) with the minimum wage Ireland consent of the will of the former ruling party Final Fail and members of the Green Party Ribs. Ireland austerity includes cutting the minimum wage of 8.65 euros, equal to $ 11 then 7.65 euros, she said. Champions austerity also maintained two million Irish people on the open labor market, including workers from Eastern Europe to low minimum wage Ireland wages. " The unions were not consulted about it , " Kina said dryly .
How was conducted through face austerity Irish unions? "Our crisis can not be solved without a solid economic recovery ," she said. " You had one in the U.S., but insufficient. We do not . Hello ? They had no recognition of reality. The policies advocated only increased the pain and suffering of many minimum wage Ireland families. Really are not recovering ," said Kina. It was not all unions and workers clashed Ireland since the focus of austerity.
Deregulation has allowed Irish banks overextend themselves , then crash . It eliminating " wage protection and advancement of wages" , and the government officials blamed 250,000 in Ireland for tax woes , there enacting proposals " and similar effects " public minimum wage Ireland workers as advocates wing promulgates here, she said. "But the major factors" in the crash of Ireland " were massive job losses in construction, which then spread to the manufacturing, service and retail ," he says .
The opening of the Irish labor market may have worked when Ireland joined the EH in 2004 and the Irish economy minimum wage Ireland, driven by the banking and property speculation , was booming and people were actually migrate to Ireland for the first time in 150 years. No, he did in 2008 when the Irish banks went bankrupt , real estate values have fallen , unemployment has four per cent to 14.5 , and the best young workers " and the brightest " and resumed university graduates Ireland migrate in the direction of the U.S. minimum wage Ireland. Canada and Australia.
The government has won the last month , while unemployment decreased by one percent to 13.5 percent ," said Kina . "But the most affected are those who have a lower level of education, lack of skills, and older workers. But a new government, a coalition combined Fine Gale - Labor tries to clean the left by Final Fail, which punishes the last election remains. The Irish Congress of Trade Unions is minimum wage Ireland considering other measures to help pull Ireland divide was also made . Collective bargaining is not available in many cases . Kina said Ireland is one of only three EH countries without the right to collective bargaining in its written constitution, and most of the 180,000 companies in Ireland are small " so that unionism is extended to them is virtually impossible. "
Minimum wage Ireland this means that the Irish Congress of Trade Unions should negotiate on national issues , starting to put pressure on its allies to restore Labor Party minimum wage reduction . "But the new entrants " to the workforce , " the minimum wage is a maximum wage ," said Kina. " The other thing we have done is that , through joint committees of workers to bargain collectively agreed wages for whole sectors - . Whitening minimum wage Ireland, cleaning , painters, etc. " The problem is that , after the commission of wages " four hours also agreed committees collapsed later."
Unions and Irish workers still face pressure-driven austerity as Jack O'Connor , president of the Service , Industrial , Professional and Technical Union. "It is clear that this is a well orchestrated by those who are at the top of the banking system in Ireland and Europe , which caused the crisis in the first place campaign to minimum wage Ireland strengthen austerity to a degree that is not necessary or even by their own criteria, " O'Connor wrote in the monthly magazine of their union freedom, which Kina said.
"The government must prove the required nerves of steel to face down. Certainly, blackmailers have an influence, but minimum wage Ireland we have others too , because if your program fails, the whole project will collapse like a house of cards , "writes.