UK and Crown Dependencies TV licence phone number, any household watching or recording television programs live as they emit (terrestrial, satellite, cable or the Internet) which is necessary to have a TV license . From 1 April 2010 , the annual fee was £ 145.50 for color and £ 49.00 for black and white. license sales is mainly used to finance the television, radio and online services from the BBC. Total revenue of the fee was £ 3,656,200,000 in TV licence phone number 2012-13, including £ 597.3 million or 16.3% was provided by the Government through concessions for over 75 years . Thus , the fee constitutes the major part of the total BBC income of £ 5.102 billion in 2012-2013.
The fee for the Secretary of State for Culture TV licence phone number, Media and Sport is set for the use of regulatory instruments. The level of commitment was decided after regular negotiations between the British government and the BBC Trust. From 1988 to 2010 , the fee will increase each year in April . In 1988, the royalty increase occurred at irregular intervals , sometimes a few years go between changes . Since April 2010 , the fee has remained constant. The BBC is authorized by the Communications Act of TV licence phone number 2003 to collect license fees. Levying of license is responsible for the division of the BBC business and finance.
The money received is paid first in the government's consolidated fund . Subsequently included in the "vote" to the Finance Act of the Year Sport Department of Culture , Media and and is transmitted to the BBC for the operation of services of the BBC (without advertising) themselves, and TV licence phone number the BBC to produce programs for SEC.
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