Bites is the name given to a free online Bitesize games resource to support the BBC study for school age students in the United Kingdom. It is designed to help students both school and work, for older students, exams. Bites is available on a variety of platforms, including the Internet and mobile phones. Are original songs, including English, mathematics and science were initially selected from the Bitesize games curriculum for Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 and GEESE in England. Over time, the subjects used in classrooms and Scottish Higher standard were added to the website, and recently the Welsh TOGA learning system.
This site is part of the Welsh, and has a section for learning Welsh as a second language. Also included in recent years have revision guides, flash games that involve problem Bitesize games solving, lecture notes, quizzes and enforcement agents. Notes of Bites explain the facts and basic concepts supported by illustrations and diagrams. The BBC also produces books, videos and interactive television service, a byproduct of the BBC red button. Key Stage 1 site covers literacy and innumeracy Bitesize games. The site covers key stage 2 math, English and science, each of which has three sub categories. Key Stage 3 shares the same subjects as 2 but more sub- categories, including Shakespeare and algebra.
Also recently added topics for history, geography and CIT. In many other areas of the exam. GEESE section of the website, there are more themes to choose from Bitesize games. Art and design, business studies, design and technology, theater, English, French, German, Geography, History, CIT, mathematics, physical education, religious studies, science and Spanish are covered, as well as English literature Aid and the Irish language. The BBC has added videos and activities for core subjects such as English literature, Bitesize games science and mathematics.