In an English dictionary sentences, example sentences are even more important than definitions. A definition that takes a task that tells you what a word means. Example sentences on the other side, carry at least three tasks: They allow you to check whether you have understood the definition. We show how to use a word in sentences how to connect with dictionary sentences other words and grammatical structures.
Program their brain to produce correct sentences in English. Understand meanings. After reading the definition of a word, you can read the example sentences containing the word. If you can understand, you know that you understand the definition correctly dictionary sentences. For example, it is nice to read beyond the means "to go beyond the quantity, quality or degree
A definition that says what a word means, ii, it helps to understand the word when you see it. However, the meaning is only half the picture. In language, there are not only meanings but also grammar and investments. Just a few words dictionary sentences go with other words.
For example, the verb will suffer with the preposition (as in Alice suffers from insomnia), and not another preposition. Lethal and lethal means to both deadly, but speak only of lethal injection, not a mortal. The main adjective has the same meaning as important but must come before a noun (as in dictionary sentences Drug addiction is a major problem or Religion has played an important role in the history of mankind), for it would error says: It is important to remember the birthdays of people.
Danger definition: the possibility of something bad happening is often used Our lives are in danger with that of The building is in danger of collapse, dictionary sentences or whoever clause There is a risk that the plan will fail.