Find out how your annual average wage UK compares to the national average in our guide to the best paying jobs.The earnings data is published in the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and covers the average wage of workers, covering more than 400 occupations. The data are taken from HM Revenue & Customs and Pay As You Earn tax records. The heads of big business and CEOs average wage UK have decreased by 3.8% percent of their salaries in 2012 years earn an average of w 120,830.
The report reveals that the average annual salary for full time employees is now w 26.664.
In the Premier League were also runners winner earning on average w 98,924 per year. While pilots and aeronautical engineers pocket, on average, w 77.906 average wage UK. Other major recipients include marketing and sales directors, managers and lawyers mining and energy. How to find a job in the table. Press Ctrl and F keys on your keyboard to search this page for your work. The figures were published by the Office for National Statistics (ONES) in its annual survey of hours and earnings.
average wage UK he had a cut on the real value of wages, however, because inflation was higher during the same period, to 3.5%. And data from the ONES also revealed that inflation has exceeded the increase in average earnings in the last 12 years. The survey results show that since April 2000, the average annual salary for full time workers increased by 40 % from w 18,848 to w 26,500. At that time, average wage UK inflation measured by the change in the index of retail prices increased by 43 %. However, the trend has accelerated over the past five years since the start of the international banking and financial crisis, the recession that followed in the United Kingdom and the imposition of government austerity measures.
average wage UK very impotent:
In just five years from April 2007, prices have increased by 18 %, while the average annual income has increased by only 10%. Who let the wage and salary increases average wage UK offset inflation of 8% in just five years. stagnant progress. The pay gap between men and women has decreased in the year to April 2012, 10.5 % of the full time schedule of men 9.6% fee. The ONES said the contraction of this gap, the trend of recent years. Male full-time workers earned an average of w 28.700 in the year average wage UK, while women earned w 23.100, a difference of w 5.600. Among part-time workers, but the majority are women, the situation is reversed. As for his weekly income, part time women earn an average of 8 % last year more than men, women earn an average wage UK of 158 pounds per week and w 146 men.
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