It surprises everyone meteo Martinique ! Or does it ? Although the official word that comes from the National Emergency Management Organization ( MEMO ), led by the French Christmas Day Dawn is that the Met Office in St. Lucia is severely compromised, the Star has learned otherwise.
Now the question to ask is, has anyone found drunk or meteo Martinique asleep at the wheel and heads roll MEMO and local climate catastrophe Met Office after Christmas Eve that killed six people and caused havoc across the island
what the meteo Martinique in the island?
In a statement on Christmas Day, MEMO said in its assessment after a weather event that lasted from morning (around 6:00 ) December 24 until dawn (about 4:45 pm ) of meteo Martinique 25 December 2013 " that meteorologists can not predict the weather phenomenon as the MET team was committed. In addition, the declaration of MEMO, the radar equipment located in Martinique, where Santa Lucia MET depends on the weather forecast was reduced, resulting in significantly impeded the ability to analyze and predict the weather phenomenon meteo Martinique.
But how can it be and why was not informed about it the same day if the public radar was actually down ? Could there be some truth to the word on the ground that it had everything to do with to Santa Lucia to shop, shop, shop and spend, spend, spend Christmas Eve because things were so bad toured the country during the pre-season, rather than meteo Martinique warn them to go home for the cover?
STAR Wednesday obtained a translation of an interview with representatives of Martinique, which is contrary to MEMO report on French radar. Our source had spoken with Jean Noel De Grassed, the head of France Weather in Martinique meteo Martinique.
The interview was conducted by Maurice Ago. The first question asked by the Met Ago head Martinique was: " What really happened at Diamond radar was broken at the time when Saint Lucian needed most ? "The response of De Grassed: " The more important thing, the Martinique radar certainly not decompose It worked perfectly.meteo Martinique Shocking do you think? So why not eat as information on the radar ?Grassed continued:
All the information we provide to other islands of the Lesser Antilles and our neighbors, St. Lucia , Dominica, Antigua, St. Vincent, all information is fully accessible and I mean fully accessible because this year we have. launched a cooperation program with the assistance of the General Council of Martinique, which allows us meteo Martinique to share our information with countries that I mentioned. , and this information is shared in a special Web site is based in France and therefore not affected by the weather so we can live.
He added that all the information is available on Christmas Eve and Christmas and it was the same information that was used in Martinique with meteo Martinique its radar, which also covers Fully St. Lucia. " So , all the information was live and updated on the website dedicated to the cooperation program. said De Grassed.
" So how does this statement was written on the Government of Saint Lucia Web site explained ," asked the interviewer. "I think some local officials usually use the public website of EE France , the Caribbean .This website is based in Guadeloupe "he said. "In meteo Martinique addition, on the morning of Tuesday, December 24, in Guadeloupe was strong storms that affected the ISP, which is independent of EE France. So, of course, the public website received no images power. satellite again launched a cooperation program to help weather services in the Caribbean. functions This parallel systems of France and is much more accurate.
meteo Martinique This system has been working for meteorological services and has received all the information radar. Santa Lucia and could access all radar information is essential when it comes to this type of situation," reaffirmed De Grassed.
If they had numerical models indicate strong chance of rain in St. Lucia, Martinique and Dominica. Not only about Santa Lucia, but always with the radar meteo Martinique system , " he added. So he dropped the ball on this issue and why exactly ? And Prime Minister Kenny Anthony as Chief Disaster drop the ax on someone like FEMA in New Orleans a few years ago.
The star also spoke Tenacious Descartes, acting chief executive of the weather in St. Lucia ,who denied the statements of MEMO on the radar. " So who gave you this information ? " ,I asked. "I do not know," said Descartes , adding that the meteo Martinique information was incorrect.
Also said that the star had received a call from an irate De Grassed Martinique vigorously denying information from St. Lucia. General Met with 35 years of experience, has even said that at noon a notice has been issued for people in low-lying areas to take meteo Martinique precautions.
We have published another report time at 18:00 and this time, we were aware that depression could have serious negative effects on the island," said Descartes. Asked if he was never contacted by Dawn French MEMO or during the day , said No Dawn French called me late at night , but now there meteo Martinique was nothing to do but to provide time to update, he said. But it gets worse. The star has also learned that a disaster was far Ewan airport on Christmas Eve,
the importance of meteo Martinique
Even though tourism officials on Boxing Day beamed with pride as absurd the island as a brothel was still open for business. A Virgin Atlantic Airbus driving. Around 19:30 Tobago received no warning of the control tower Ewan meteo Martinique "small river Old Fort " had overflowed, flooding the track with water and waste and wash the weather station. This resulted in the aircraft losing sight of the runway and the area where it should land, causing serious damage to the aircraft landing gear.
Since then, the aircraft was stranded at the airport and several other flights were canceled because they were not able to refuel Hewannora.According to reports from the meteo Martinique system Met Office that struck the island led to 171.1mm of rain within 24 hours ending at 8:50 December 25, 2013, causing severe losses and floods in Exton center Anise -la- Rayne, Miscode, Vie Fort, Deanery and Sourer. Many roads and bridges were washed away and at least six people have been confirmed meteo Martinique dead.
Friday before pressing the star was informed that the head of the MEMO, Dawn French was meeting with Prime Minister Kenny Anthony. No word yet on the outcome of this meteo Martinique meeting.
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